Window Glossary

Window Glossary

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There are currently 16 names in this directory beginning with the letter S.
Safety glass:
A strengthened or reinforced glass that is less subject to breakage or splintering and less likely to cause injury if broken.
Sash cord:
Rope or chain in double-hung windows that attached the sash to the counter balance.
Sash lift:
Protruding or recessed handle on the inside bottom rail of the lower sash on a double- or single-hung window.
Sash stiffener:
A reinforcement, usually inserted into a sash profile prior to assembly, designed to increase the strength of the unit.
Sash weights:
Concealed cast-iron weights used to counterbalance the sash of older double-hung windows.
An assembly of stiles and rails (vertical and horizontal members) made into a frame for holding glass. 
Sill pan:
A product placed under a window or door during the installation process that is designed for water drainage.
The main horizontal member forming the bottom of the frame of a window or door.
Simulated divided lites (SDLs):
A type of grille or grid design that created the appearance of a number of smaller panes of glass separated by muntins, but actually uses larger lites of glass with the muntins placed between and/or on the surfaces of the glass layers.
Single glazing:
Use of a single lite of glass in a window. Not as energy efficient as insulating glass or other forms of double glazing.
Single hung:
A window resembling a double-hung, or vertically sliding window, with a fixed top sash.
Soft-coat glass:
A glass product that is coated in a secondary process known as sputter-coating, usually to offer low-emissivity or solar-control benefits. Hard-coat or pyrolytic glass is coated during the manufacturing process at the molten glass stage.
Solar-control glass:
Glass produced with a coating or tint that absorbs or reflects solar energy, thereby reducing solar gain.
The main vertical frame members of a sash or door.
Interior trim piece sometimes used to extend a window sill and act as a narrow shelf.
A moulding used to hold, position or separate window or door parts. Also, the moulding or component on the inside of a window frame against which the window sash rests or closes. Also called a bead, side stop, window stop and parting stop.